Auto insurance premiums depend on various factors, some of which we can’t control. Regardless, these and other factors play a crucial role in the search for cheap car insurance in Homewood, IL. Here are the biggest reasons you may be paying more than your fair share for auto insurance.
Marital Status, Gender, and Age
Though your gender and age are beyond your control, they partly determine how much you pay for coverage. Rates are almost always higher for those under 25, particularly single males. If you are married, you may pay less, as research indicates that spouses are less likely to be in auto accidents.
Your Credit
Surprisingly, auto insurers across the country often check drivers’ credit scores to determine their individual risk. While your debt may not affect your driving, insurers have found a link between bad credit and poor road habits. If you have bad credit, boosting your score may help you find cheap car insurance in Homewood, IL.
Driving History
Though younger people tend to pay more for auto insurance, so do those with blemished driving records. If you have an at-fault accident or several speeding tickets on your record, for instance, you will undoubtedly pay more for coverage. However, by maintaining good habits, you can keep those rates as low as possible.
Your Location
Almost all states have a mandatory minimum coverage requirement, and Illinois is no exception. These requirements affect your rates, of course. Beyond the law, you may pay more if you live in an area with a high incidence of theft or vandalism.
If you are paying more than necessary for auto insurance, don’t give up. While some factors can’t be controlled, there are still a few ways to get cheap car insurance in Homewood, IL.