High-Conviction Equity and Strategic Multi-Asset Investing in Dallas, Texas

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Financial Services

Financial consultants in the Dallas area provide a client-oriented service. They offer both financial advice and a wide spectrum of industry-leading financial solutions tailored to meet individualized and frequently complex financial requirements.

Managed Investing

A financial firm in Dallas that focuses on high-conviction equities and an outcome-oriented approach actively invests in high-quality businesses that have an undervalued earning potential. They also work with a bottom-up approach geared heavily toward loss limitation and the generation of significant returns.

Domestic Value Equity Investing

Advantages to value equity investing are a minimized absolute risk on the downside and higher-tier risk-adjusted returns. Overall advantages provided by a financial firm in Dallas include:

  • A competitive advantage
  • Lower downside risk
  • Returns according to fundamentals-based intrinsic valuation
  • Increased opportunities for cash flow reinvestment, M&As and return capital
  • Active fundamentals analysis across multiple metrics, including financial strength, stability and profitability
  • Investment in best ideas grounded in a merger of quality and value

A financial manager in Dallas using a team-based approach assembles high-conviction portfolios based on idea generation, peer group review and portfolio construction.

Tactical Multi-Asset Investing

A multi-asset investment approach implemented by a fund manager in Dallas aligns security selection with a top-down macro overview. The process implements bottom-up as well as top-down factors and quantitative and fundamental methods across a diverse set of asset classes.

Tactical and strategic allocations are oriented toward the management of downside risk. A fund manager in Dallas that works with multi-asset investing utilizes three approaches:

  • Absolute Return – low-correlation, market-independent returns according to yield-oriented, short-term portfolios, macro hedging and convertible arbitrage.
  • Income-Oriented Investing – flexible investing across income securities, bond sectors and hybrids, opening up exposure to a variety of opportunities in changing conditions.
  • Total Return – diversified investing across sectors, securities and asset classes, implementing both bottom-up security selection and top-down asset allocation and allowing global investors to discover market opportunities.

Wealth Management

A financial manager in Dallas can help clients realize objectives and build wealth despite complex financial considerations. As wealth management consultants, they create lasting legacies through values-based processes and industry-leading investing and fiduciary solutions.

  • Financial Planning – comprehensive and integrated financial plans taking into account future and strategic considerations.
  • Estate and Trust Services – the safeguarding of wealth in complex circumstances.
  • Investment Solutions – improved outcomes through individualized tactical and strategic solutions while preserving capital.
  • Philanthropy – customized fiduciary and advisory services related to changing considerations regarding philanthropic organizations.

Dallas-Based Financial Managers

Thirty-eight years of experience, 25 investment professionals managing $13 billion in assets in offices in Dallas and Houston and an investment approach focused on high-quality and undervalued companies open up the potential to generate significant returns. Contact the team at Westwood Wealth Management at 1-877-386-3944 or online at westwoodgroup.com to learn more.

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