Hire Labor Law Attorneys in Northampton, MA to Protect Rights to Organize

by | Dec 21, 2016 | Legal Services

In Massachusetts, employees working for private companies have the right to form a union without fear of retaliation by their employers. There are several reasons employees may want to form a union including negotiating for better pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions.

Right to Unionize

The right to form a union and enter into collective bargaining with employers is guaranteed by the federal government. The National Labor Rights Act (NLRA) supersedes state law in most matters. However, there are some areas it doesn’t cover, such as the organizing rights of public employees and the rights of private employees who don’t have interstate commerce jobs. In these matters, the state can make its own laws.

If you and your coworkers want to unionize and make sure your rights are protected, consider hiring labor law attorneys in Northampton, MA. While a union can help employees organize, they should also consult an attorney in case their employer makes threats about their jobs. Connor Morneau & Olin LLP has labor law attorneys on staff who can help protect the jobs of you and your coworkers while you’re organizing a union.

State Labor Laws

The provisions for employees not covered by the NLRA are covered by the State Labor Relations Law. It sets criteria for conducting union activities and unfair labor law practices by both employers and employees. For instance, an employer cannot restrain, coerce, or interfere with employees exercising their rights, including forming a union and bargaining collectively with their employers.

If the right to form a union or to collectively bargain with an employer has been threatened, contact labor law attorneys for help. They can represent you and your coworkers in court if they cannot settle matters with your employer. As employees, you have the right, by law to unionize and enter into collective bargaining without reprisal. Visit website for more details about to hire labor law attorneys in Northampton, MA.

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