Hiring an Auto Accident Lawyer in Bellingham, WA

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Lawyer

Auto accidents are common in the state of Washington. As of a couple of years ago, an accident occurred every four minutes with an injury occurring every 11 minutes. In many cases, hiring an auto accident lawyer in Bellingham, WA helps get fair compensation for those who have been negatively impacted in an accident.

Is a Lawyer Necessary?

While lawyers do help individuals receive fair compensation after an accident, they may not be necessary every time. Collisions where property damage is minimal, such as a fender bender, and no one is significantly injured can often be satisfactorily negotiated between both party’s insurance companies. The amount of compensation owed in these types of cases is fairly clear-cut, and so paying for an attorney’s experience and skill would likely not increase that compensation enough to pay for the attorney.

When to Contact

The state of Washington, like most other states, has a statute of limitations on injury claims. This means that an individual only has a specific period after an injury to bring a legal claim. Contact an attorney as soon as possible after an accident, but be sure to seek any immediate medical care first. The earlier you speak with an attorney, the more likely they can preserve crucial evidence to help with your case.

Experience Matters

When evaluating different lawyers, be sure to focus on those who have experience handling auto accident cases, both with out-of-court settlements and arguing cases in court. Sometimes it can’t be known ahead of time whether a claim will be argued in a court or not, so make sure the attorney has adequate experience on the front end.

Initial Consultation

Most reputable lawyers offer free consultations to prospective clients, so use the opportunity to discuss the case with a few different accident lawyers. Pay close attention to their professional demeanor and how effectively they communicate. Do they have a specific plan for the case or did they speak in generalities? Be sure also to discuss their fee structure. While most accident lawyers are paid on a contingency basis, clients may be required to pay fees or expenses regardless of the case outcome. Visit the website for more information or to speak to an auto accident lawyer in Bellingham, WA. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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