Hiring Drug Defense Attorneys in Junction City KS for a Possession Case

by | Mar 13, 2019 | Attorney

Those who are arrested and charged with possession of drugs will need to work with one of the Drug Defense Attorneys in Junction City KS to get a better outcome for their case. Before they get started, they may want to learn a little more about the charges they’re facing and what they’ll need to know to be able to get a better outcome. This is crucial as it helps them see what help is available for them and gives them hope they won’t face the harshest penalties.

Possession Versus Possession With Intent to Sell

If the person only had a small quantity of drugs on them, it’s likely they’ll be simply charged with possession. If they have a larger quantity or it’s split into several smaller quantities, it could be possession with the intent to sell. This can also be the charge if they had a significant amount of money on them, even if they only had a small quantity of drugs, as it could be inferred they already sold what they had. Possession with intent to sell is a far more serious charge.

Misdemeanor Verus Felony

Misdemeanors are punishable with less than a year in jail as well as other penalties. These are much less serious charges and may be what the person is facing if they only had a small quantity of drugs. However, even if they only had a small quantity, they could face a felony depending on what the drugs were. Felony possession charges lead to at least a year in jail as well as other potential penalties.

Potential Outcomes For the Charges

The person will want to speak with an attorney so they can have a good chance of minimizing the penalties they face. Depending on the circumstances, their attorney may be able to have the charges dismissed. If this can’t happen, the attorney may be able to get a plea deal for them, where they plead guilty to a lesser charge with less serious penalties.

If you’ve been arrested and charged with possession of drugs, make sure you seek legal assistance from one of the Drug Defense Attorneys in Junction City KS right away. Take the time to visit now to learn more about the help they can offer you. You can also follow them on Twitter for latest news and update!

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