Holiday Plumbing Tips

by | Nov 10, 2017 | plumbing

The holiday season is approaching! This means entertaining and inviting guests into our home. But a bunch of people under one roof multiplies the chances for a plumbing disaster. It makes sense. After all, suddenly your plumbing system is under more strain. Fortunately, there are several things you can do keep your pipes running smoothly. Keep reading for a few tips how.

Use the Trash Can for Trash

Seems like an obvious tip, doesn’t it? But for some reason, when the holidays come along, the convenience of the garbage disposal can be too much to resist. Rather than walk to the garbage bin, why not chuck that turkey bone into the garbage disposal instead? A potential plumbing nightmare is why! Bones plus grease do not mix in a garbage disposal. Be sure to gently remind your guests to use the garbage can.

Keep Your Pipes Warm

During the winter months, colder temperatures can put the pipes in your home at risk. If the pipes in your home are not adequately insulated, they will be at risk of freezing. This is true for most homes, but especially so for older homes which are prone to drafts. While freezing pipes can be annoyingly inconvenient, they also signal danger. Frozen pipes can burst! Insulate your pipes with foam or have a plumber do it for you. Try to schedule this before you open your home to guests.

Be Kind to Your Water Usage

Do you have guests staying overnight? If so, shower usage will probably be a concern. If your guests are staying even longer, than laundry might turn out to be an issue, too. Running too much water out of your house’s drains can overload your system. Be sure that your guests don’t use too many different activities that need water all at the same time. If you predict that this will be an issue, you might want to schedule a plumber to come out and check your system before doing your holiday entertaining.

Offering courteous customer service and expert plumbing services, The plumbing experts at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing have been a favorite in the counties of Lake and Mendocino for years. If you need a plumber, they’re always ready to solve your plumbing problems. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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