Homeowner Questions Answered About Sewer Line Repair In Bellingham WA

by | Feb 20, 2019 | plumbing

One of the worst case scenarios for a homeowner is to have sewer line problems. When a sewer system fails, it creates many problems that affect the entire family. If you suspect that your sewer pipes are damaged, broken or clogged up, contact a professional company that provides sewer line repair in Bellingham WA. The following questions and answers will give you important information about common sewer line problems that require professional repair.

Q.) What are some of the first signs that indicate there’s an issue with the sewer line?

A.) When the waste water and sewage from the house isn’t properly flowing through the sewer pipes, homeowners will soon notice that the drains inside the house aren’t working properly. Instead of running down the drain, the water may settle in the sink and it may take several minutes for the water to finally run down into the drain pipes. If the toilet is slow to flush or if it won’t flush at all, this is another signal that there’s an issue with the sewer. If a homeowner waits too long to get the sewer pipes repaired, the waste water and sewage will eventually back up into the bathtub drain and create a huge mess.

Q.) What causes a sewer line to malfunction and how can it be repaired?

A.) Sewer line problems are often caused by tree roots clogging up the sewer pipe. Tree roots can spread long distances underground and they can easily penetrate a broken sewer pipe. When the tree roots get into the pipe through a cracked area, they continue to grow while inside the pipe. As the tree roots grow, they form a large cluster that causes a massive clog in the sewer line. An experienced plumber who provides Sewer Line Repair in Bellingham WA uses a camera and looks through the entire sewer line. When the obstruction is found, the plumber digs down in the ground to reach the broken pipe, removes the obstruction and places a new pipe in its place.

If your sewer line is clogged up, contact a company that’s experienced in sewer line repair. Click here to learn about the various services of Bode’s Electric & Plumbing.

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