How A Siberian Mushroom And A San Diego Body Are Alike And Why This Benefits The Body

by | Oct 24, 2019 | Healthcare

People are becoming more disenchanted by the day with chemical medications and pain relievers. They’re reaching out to herbal and natural remedies with few to no side effects. One of the things people are studying is the immune system. It’s there that healing begins, so whatever benefits the immune system benefits the person, yes?

In the news now and trending at a great rate is chaga mushrooms. They only grow in cold to subarctic places like Northern Canada and Siberia to name only two. They contain components some of which are produced by the body and respond to when the components enter the body, sort of a double whammy.

How They’re Like The Human Body

Both mushrooms and the human body have one goal in life: to survive. Both produce chemicals to fight off bacteria that could possibly kill us. One of the chemicals produced in mushrooms is penicillin. Penicillin fights off bacteria in both the mushroom and the human. When it enters the human, the body has that double whammy discussed above. The bacteria will be history.

Why They’re Good For The Body

Chaga mushrooms grow on birch trees in forests in the coldest portion of Siberia. It takes 20 years to grow to their fullest potency. During those 20 years, they’re subject to weather extremes, bacteria and other destroyers.

They have to produce chemicals inside themselves that nothing predatorial will touch like melanin, antioxidants, sesquiterpenes, phytosterols, ergosterols, polysaccharides, and other chemicals.

Upon entering the body, they lessen inflammation, perform as an antioxidant, relieve pain, boost stamina, boost the immune system, and kill cancer cells. The components inside the mushroom no predatorial entity would touch disrupts the communications process between the bacteria once inside the body. If it can’t communicate, it can’t act and it can’t make us ill.

Learn more about how chaga mushrooms help build up the immune system by contacting Earthborn Products at website.

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