How A Veterans Benefits Lawyer Can Help

by | Mar 17, 2017 | Attorney

The VA publishes a great deal of information regarding their services, performance, etc. According to one of the reports published, a veteran’s benefit lawyer in Tennessee can improve the chances of being granted disability benefits if the case goes to appeal, which many of them do. The report states that those applicants that were represented by a seasoned veteran’s benefits lawyer were twice as successful in getting approved upon appeal.

Of course, no two cases are exactly alike and as such not every case can be won regardless of representation. There are many areas where a lawyer experienced in dealing with VA can help:

Knowledge of the laws, rules and regulations:

The laws, rules and regulation that apply to veteran’s disability claims are very complex, so much so that the VA even has difficulties understanding and applying these rules correctly. If the VA admits to an error rate of close to 15 percent, just imaging how difficult it will be for a layperson to go through the process trouble free.

A veterans benefits lawyer in Tennessee does not have these problems; he or she knows the laws and how to apply them.

Building a compelling case:

By gathering all available evidence, a lawyer can build a compelling case to support a client’s claim. If your application was denied and the reason given by the VA was a lack of evidence or the evidence was not good enough, a lawyer can help prove that you do have a disability and that it is directly related to your military service.

A veterans benefits lawyer in Tennessee does not have the power to speed up the appeals process, what a lawyer does have is the experience that is necessary to gather supporting documents and evidence quickly which in turn gets the appeals process off to a faster start.

If your claim for disability benefits was not approved it can be well worth your while to engage a veterans benefits lawyer in Tennessee to help with your appeal. You are welcome to discuss your situation by contacting Jackson & MacNichol, Attorneys at Law.

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