How Can Dental Implants in Louisville, KY Improve Your Smile?

by | Mar 5, 2014 | Dental Services

When a person is dealing with missing teeth, it affects more than just their self-esteem. Missing teeth often make it difficult for people to be able to chew their food and eat certain types of foods. Since the teeth are an integral part of being able to speak properly, gaps in your smile can also lead to problems with your speech. If you are dealing with missing teeth, there is help available. Through Dental implants in Louisville KY, your dental issues can be a thing of the past and your appearance and function can be dramatically improved.

What Can You Expect When You Get Dental implants in Louisville KY?

To place dental implants in your mouth, you will need to go through a surgical procedure. This procedure will allow the dentist to implant the metal anchor into your gum tissue and into the jawbone. This procedure is carried out through the dentist making a small incision in your gum socket. Once the socket is open, the dentist will insert the metal anchor into the jawbone and it will then be carefully sutured into place. After all of the metal anchors have been implanted, you will need to go through the healing process. This typically takes around three to four weeks to accomplish.

After you have successfully healed, the dentist will have you to come back in for the next part of the procedure. This is when you will get your artificial teeth. Each tooth is screwed into the metal anchor, providing you with a permanent solution to tooth loss problems. the dentist will inform you of you should care for your new implants so damage can be prevented. With proper care and routine maintenance performed by your dentist, you can keep your dental implants looking and performing as they should.

If you are suffering with missing teeth, dental implants may be able to help you. For more information on this procedure and others Visit the Site at They can provide you with all the dental services you need, to keep your smile healthy and looking it’s absolute best. Call for your appointment today.

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