How Getting Your Car Serviced Benefits You

by | Sep 14, 2015 | Autos

Three bad things can happen while you’re driving. You can be pulled over. You can get in an accident. And you can break down on the side of the road. All three of these incidents cause other drivers to slow down, turn their heads and breathe a heavy sigh of relief. Most of us have been in one of these situations and they all are far from fun. No one plans to be pulled over or in an accident or to break down, yet they still happen and are day is completely disrupted. Accidents and being pulled over are within the realms of our control. We can drive safely and obey all traffic laws, but we can’t stop someone from rear-ending us in traffic. Breaking down, fortunately, is something we have almost complete control over. Getting your car regularly serviced and driving safely is the only way to be 100% positive you’ve taken the necessary steps to not break down.

Preparing For A Road Trip

Many of us commute up to an hour a day for work if not more. This, by many people’s standards, constitutes a road trip. If you’re driving this much every day, the piece of mind you have that your car is running in tip-top shape is priceless. There’s nothing worse than driving and realising your gaslight is on. This type of anxiety comes from a lack of control. Our priorities shift from getting to point B to getting to a gas station as quickly as possible. For some, a service engine light raises the same response—and for good reason. That service light is telling you there is something abnormal going on with your engine. A service light is the last thing you want to see when you’re on a road trip, so it’s especially important to take your car in for a service before driving cross-country or to the in-laws (unless of course you don’t actually want to make it to your in-laws.)

Easy To Ignore, Hard To Hide From

Servicing your car is easy to ignore because it’s a preventative or proactive measure. You service your car because it’s the responsible thing to do. Cars are not disposable. Cars are investments that we should all take great care to protect. Without protection (service), our car’s problems become ones we cannot hide from and service shifts to being a reactive function. Protecting our car insures we will have a ride to work, a way to pick up the kids. Cars are a luxury and servicing yours regularly will not only protect your car’s longevity, it’ll help to reduce the day-to-day stress you incur.

For more information about car service , visit LineaRossa Mechanic at or by phone, 03 9020 4421.

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