How Important Is a Foundation for Your Detached Garage?

by | Oct 1, 2014 | Home Improvement

A strong foundation is what you rely on to keep your home standing strong. A weak foundation eventually leads to problems that could be untimely and costly to repair. You wouldn’t build a home without a solid foundation, so why construct a garage on only a slab of cement? The foundation of your detached garage is important because a basic slab will not withstand the weight of the garage walls for long. You will eventually begin to notice sagging in your walls and possible buckling of the door as it begins to bear the pressure and weight of the sagging walls. When building a garage it’s important that you first lay a solid foundation.

Why a Cement Slab Is Not Ideal for a Garage Foundation

In many states, it’s perfectly legal to just lay down a cement slab when building a garage. Some do-it-yourself homeowners attempt this method, only to be left with a crumbling garage after a decade or so of use. The problem with a cement slab is that it doesn’t have anything underneath it for support except the ground. As your new garage begins to settle and shift weight, it exerts an immense amount of pressure onto the cement slab. The slab may begin to crack or weaken underneath the weight of the garage, leading to a breakdown of your garage’s structure.

Foundations Can Help Drain Water

A professional garage builder knows the importance of building a garage that properly drains water away from the garage. With a flat cement slab, water may pool and begin to cause problems. With a proper foundation, the design of your garage can actually drain water away from your garage. Foundations can also be insulated for homeowners who wish to heat their garages. You can’t heat a garage that has a cement slab.

A detached garage is a great investment for a home if built correctly. It will not only help increase the value of your property, but it provides the additional storage you need for vehicles or belongings. Don’t let your investment become a headache by relying on a cement slab to support your detached garage. Let a professional garage builder create a solid foundation that will keep your garage lasting as long as your home. If want estimates for building a garage, visit for more information about new garages.

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