It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for a trendy sushi place, in need of directions, or if you need a specific collectable for a birthday gift. The answers you need and the products you want are all available at the touch of a button today. In a world of smartphones and tablets, anybody who is anybody has an online presence. One of the greatest boons to business has become the digital catalog. This is because the digital catalog isn’t just a marketing tool for businesses (though it is a great one), but because it makes the lives of consumers easier as well. You can increase your business reach with Digital Catalogs.
How It Benefits the Consumer
* Easy shopping
* Quick access to product information
* Reviews for product research
* Social applications
* Real-time sales and specials
The first benefit for the consumer is fairly obvious–they can access their favorite stores and search for specific products wherever they are. However, this new style of shopping has led people to seek more information prior to making a purchase. In fact, as much as 78-percent of shoppers will research online and look for reviews when they’re deciding what to buy. Not only that, but they also look for product information like nutritional content and care of an item both before and after purchase. Plus, this type of format allows for social interactions in which people can “like” or share an item of interest. The savvy shopper will also look for sales and specials.
How It Benefits the Business
* Only current content is available
* Cross-channel marketing
* Increases consumer engagement
* Increases revenue
The benefits for a business to integrate an online system are seemingly endless. First, it allows customers to see the current inventory and stock, which was never before possible. It also provides an additional level of cross-channel marketing, as more people look for information in multiple formats prior to making a purchase. Moreover, it can keep a consumer engaged for 30-minutes or more, whereas other methods of marketing last only seconds or just a few minutes. All of these things come together to improve the business’ bottom line.
How It Integrates
* Website
* Mobile apps
Electronic publishing of listings is commonly found on websites through an easily-identified portal. This allows the entire store to be easily shared in link-form via email and social networking. There’s also a growing demand for brand-specific mobile apps, so much that Apple recently had to update their categories to provide a special section just for digital catalogs.
One of the best things is that retailers already have the information elsewhere. It’s just a matter of reformatting it so customers can view it how they prefer. Arandell provides a service creates electronic versions of existing media, simplifying the process. This allows businesses to grow with ease using the latest technology.