How To Bolster Your Personal Injury Claims

by | Jul 28, 2022 | Law

It is amazing how many people fail to document their injuries in the event they find themselves involved in what may turn out to be a case of personal injury in Virginia Beach. It does matter whether you are preparing to present a lawsuit or you are negotiating a settlement with an insurance company, nothing is more impressive than facts that support your position. The more factual data you have the better your chances of a satisfactory outcome. There are a few things that you can do to make sure all your injuries are fully and properly documented.

Immediate medical attention is a must:

If you have suffered a personal injury in Virginia Beach and you have good reason to believe the injury was caused by someone else’s negligence then you should seek medical attention. Of course, this move is done primarily for your health but it is also important that your condition be documented by an attending physician immediately after the accident occurs. Your physical and emotional condition right after the accident occurs is the base-line for your condition in the event of a case. If you do not have a statement of your condition from a physician you have no real way of proving what your condition was after the accident.

Get a copy of all the records from the doctor and the hospital. Ensure that the copies include the diagnosis and any tests and reports. The pre-treatment report will prove to very valuable in the event you send up suing for damages.

Save everything:

Even the most insignificant injury can result in a virtual mountain of paperwork which includes questionnaires from the insurance company, doctor’s bills, receipts for prescription drugs and lots of administrative documents. Don’t dispose of anything, create a file and save copies of every document, keep a running record of your treatment as it progresses; this serves two purposes. It creates a narrative of the injury and all the treatment, it also tracks any and all out of pocket expenses you had which were directly associated with your personal injury claim in Virginia Beach.

Take plenty of pictures of the injuries you received and how the appearance changes as time goes by. Have someone take pictures for you immediately after the accident, time stamp all the photos and save them as digital images as well as hard copies. Nothing helps better than pictures when trying to explain the extent of your injuries to a jury, written records are great but when they are backed up by photo’s it is even a more powerful tool.

If you are involved in an accident which results in personal injury in Virginia Beach you will need an attorney and plenty of documented evidence. To hire the attorney you can contact Slaughter & Lupton Law, PLLC.

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