How to Create the Cleanest Look When Installing Santa Clara Crown Moulding

by | Feb 27, 2020 | Home Improvement

Crown moulding can do a lot to create visual interest, add a touch of class, and give a finished look to any room. When installing your crown moulding in Santa Clara, though, it’s important that you work hard to give it the cleanest look so that it doesn’t detract from the look of the room.

While proper joints in corners are certainly a part of this clean look, the truly important aspects are the small details that you complete toward the end of the installation. To ensure your moulding installation project is a success, here are some tips to help you create the cleanest finished look.

Fill in Nail Holes

If you attach the moulding pieces carefully, you’ll be able to minimize the size of the nail holes. Attaching the nails at a slight angle and using a powered nail gun will help to minimize surface disruption on the moulding. No matter how small the holes are, though, you’ll still want to fill them in before calling the job finished.

Using your finger, you’ll want to press wood filler deep into each hole, then sand it when it’s dry. Finish the job by painting the wood filler in the same color as the rest of the crown moulding in Santa Clara.

Caulk Joints

To reduce the noticeability of the gap between the ceiling and the crown moulding, you’ll want to put caulk in this joint prior to completing installation. You can caulk this joint just as you would any other, carefully smoothing the caulk with a finger or caulk tool as you go. By filling this gap, it will create a uniform appearance that will give the cleanest look to your room.

For more tips on installing crown moulding, contact at

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