How to Determine if You Need Specialized Trauma Counseling in Nashville, TN

by | Apr 23, 2021 | Health

Certain traumatic situations can leave the individual with residual adverse emotions and underlying anxiety or other strong emotions. Trauma-based therapy is different than the traditional talk therapy that most people associate counseling with. Those diagnosed with PTSD or other high-stress traumatic symptoms may need the expertise of a therapist trained in trauma counseling from Nashville, TN.

Why Is Somatic Experiencing Therapy Good for Trauma?

A type of therapy called Somatic Experiencing was designed to help treat chronic and high levels of post-traumatic stress common with soldiers and abuse victims from all walks of life. Read on to determine if you need specialized trauma counseling in Nashville, TN, or the surrounding area.

What Is Somatic Experiencing Exactly?

Somatic experiencing is considered an alternate form of therapy used to treat PTSD and other types of trauma-based mental and emotional problems. This therapy combines several types of therapy into one. It gained a foothold in western societies in the late 1980s with that therapy being named self-acceptance training.

Somatic experiencing combines characteristics from traditional modern therapy greats like the eidetic image psychology from Ahsen and Eriksonian hypnosis. It even incorporates ancient shamanistic interventions that have been around for centuries.

Therapy That Addresses a Client’s Perceived Body Sensations

A fully-trained therapist that practices trauma counseling using somatic experiencing and body awareness /mindfulness can address each unique client’s perceived body sensations in a safe environment. Performed correctly, this therapeutic treatment has shown significant success. Learn more by contacting a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®.

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