How to Find Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Valdosta, GA

by | Oct 31, 2019 | Legal Services

Finding the right lawyer can be difficult in any situation, and medical malpractice cases are no exception. They can be less straightforward than personal injury cases and, typically, the defendant will be a doctor or hospital represented by aggressive insurance companies with impressive legal teams. So what is important to know when looking for medical malpractice attorneys in Valdosta, GA?

Starting a Search

Often, the easiest way to find a lawyer is to ask for word-of-mouth recommendations. Even if no one knows a medical malpractice lawyer, they may know another lawyer they could recommend. Many lawyers have lists of contacts and would be happy to provide a referral for a lawyer experienced in medical malpractice. Another option is to call the bar association for a list of practicing attorneys. Finally, looking online is a good option.

Check The Experience

After locating medical malpractice attorneys in Valdosta, GA, there are important questions to ask to ensure it is a good fit. Ask them what percentage of their caseload is medical malpractice and how often they win those cases. Follow up with how many of those cases are settled, and how many go to trial. If a lawyer is known to exclusively settle, it may impact the amount of the settlement. Then, ask if the case will primarily be handled by the lawyer, or given to a paralegal.

Ask About Costs

Most lawyers will give a free consultation. After that, it is important to know how fees work. Will the firm cover upfront trial costs such as filing and witness expenses? Will those costs be reimbursed by your settlement?

Some Final Thoughts

Before hiring a lawyer, it is important to ensure they are qualified for the case, have a history of success, and will be the one handling the case rather than handing it off to an assistant. It is also important to minimize cost surprises after the fact by asking important questions about fees and contingencies. With some prior research, finding the right representation in a medical malpractice case is possible.

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