How to Get Started With Workers Compensation in Macon GA

by | Feb 20, 2019 | Lawyer

When a worker is injured on the job, they need to be aware of their rights for filing for worker’s compensation. Worker’s compensation laws were put into place to protect the rights of workers and their employers. When injured workers are denied their benefits, they have the right to seek a lawyer to help them with Workers Compensation in Macon GA. With this information, injured workers will better understand what they can expect from the process.

What Can Injured Workers Expect?

When someone is injured on the job, the first thing they need to do is to make sure they inform their employer. In the state of Georgia, injured workers have thirty days to inform their employer of their injuries. It is imperative the injured worker does not take too long or they could end up losing out on their rights to seek fair benefits.

Once the injured worker has informed their boss, the employer must then inform the insurance company and start the claim’s process. If the claim is denied, the employer must inform the injured worker in writing, letting them know the reason.

Sometimes, injured workers are denied their benefits unfairly. This is when it is important for the injured party to seek help from a lawyer. The lawyer will provide sound guidance for the employee who needs help with Workers Compensation in Macon GA.

How Will the Lawyer Help?

The lawyer will immediately begin pursuing the employer and their insurance company. Thankfully, the injured worker has the right to appeal an unfavorable decision. If an appeal is filed, this will take place before an administrative law judge who will be held responsible for making the decision. Injured workers should never have to fight their employer alone. With the help of a lawyer, the process of seeking a fair outcome will be much less stressful.

If you have been injured on the job and would like legal help, now is the time to get started on the process. Visit so you can learn more about your options. Call the office today and they will be happy to schedule your appointment to get started.

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