How to Get the Best Substance Abuse Help

by | Sep 30, 2014 | Healthcare

When seeking recovery from addiction, the best substance abuse help can be found in combined therapies. Admission to a certified rehabilitation center is the first step to ceasing the cycle of addiction to alcohol, narcotics, or prescription medication. The challenge of recovery begins with sourcing the will to overcome the temptation of substance abuse.

Traditional 12-Step program group interventions combined with psychodynamic approaches are being advanced by the introduction of complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. There is extensive researched evidence that combined interventions are the most effective in overruling limitations. Clients seeking accessible alternatives to purely clinical programs will find that substance abuse help is more rewarding when focused on the whole person.

12-Step and Psychodynamic Therapy Approaches

Psychodynamic – approaches and 12-Step group programs to addiction therapy engage the client in past events. Thoughts and circumstances shaping present behavior are addressed toward solutions to triggers prompting substance abuse. Methods used in psychodynamic approaches target the unconscious processes causing self-abusive actions.

If a patient was abused in the past, behavioral responses may be getting in the way of healthy recovery. The inclusion of psychodynamic therapies in a substance abuse treatment plan has the potential to improve the chances that other treatment interventions will be more effective. Psychodynamic therapy assists a client in a more thorough recuperation of sobriety; bringing unresolved conflicts to the surface, so that they may be met with solution.

Integration of psychodynamic approaches to addiction with 12-step programs advances the therapeutic process so that cognitive and social engagement is met with self-reflection. The definition of self-knowledge and the tools to confront fears and temptations are the goals of therapeutic programming. The results to psychodynamic therapy and 12-step group program dialogue place the client in a position to make new decisions about their sobriety, and their future overall.

Complimentary Alternative Medicine Approaches

Unlike rigorous, traditional clinical therapiesComplimentary alternative medicine (CAM) has become popular for those seeking solutions to the physiological stressors of addiction. CAM therapies focus on psycho-somatic unity so that addictions potentially linked to chemical and placebo related disorders are effectively combatted, resulting in a healthier mind and body connection.

Multi-modality treatment models may include the following CAM treatments: 1) Acupuncture; 2) Bio-field therapies – acupressure, homeopathy, polarity therapy, magnet therapy, Japanese Reiki and Johrei, Chinese qi gong and spiritual healing; 3) Biologically based practices – vitamins, herbs and dietary supplements; 4) Manipulative body based practices – chiropractic, osteopathy, massage therapy, reflexology, Rolfing, Bowen technique and traeger approach; and 5) Mind-Body medicine – relaxation, visual imagery and yoga. For more information about the diverse health care practices and products for clients seeking substance abuse help, contact a rehabilitation center specializing in combined therapies.

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