How To Keep Jacuzzis In Houston At Optimal Performance

by | May 7, 2013 | Home And Garden

If you are new to owning Jacuzzis Houston, there are certain steps that you need to know to make sure that the water is always ready for you to jump right in. Weekly and monthly maintenance will keep your hot tub at its peak performance ability and keep you enjoying your investment throughout the year. The favorite part of your Jacuzzi may be the oils and soaps you use for a more relaxed soak. While these may be the favorite part of your hot tub they are also the worst products to keep sitting in the water when it is not in use. Most hot tub owners find they are changing the water and cleaning the tub every 2 to 4 months. Follow these 5 simple steps for a thorough cleaning at the start of each season.

The first step either at the start of your Jacuzzis In Houston season is to fill the tub. Fill with hot water so that the waterline is covering the jets yet not too full as to cover the filter box entirely. You need to be able to keep the surface water filtered and not stagnant. Next, take a mixture of dishwasher detergent and bleach; 1/4 cup and 1/2 cup respectively and pour it into the tub.

Once all the chemicals are in the tub and the water is hot, turn on the jets at high speed for a full 15 minutes. Without letting the water settle, drain the water entirely and refill with fresh hot water carefully adhering to the rules in the first step about making sure the waterline is above the jets and not overflowing the filter box. The jets at this point can be turned on again remove any residual cleaning supplies or dirt left behind from products or dirt from the previous season.

If you are working consistently at keeping your Jacuzzis Houston water balance, sanitizer and filtration in balance, then following the draining steps should only have to be done every 2 to 4 months. Consistency is the key at making your water last. Using testing strips can signal a problem before it gets necessary to drain in between seasons.

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