How to Keep your Office Clean Between Cleaning Service Visits

by | Apr 12, 2017 | Construction and Maintenance

Office are busy places with a lot of people coming and going and a lot of work that needs to be done each and every day. With so much happening in a confined space the chances for messes and clutter to get out of hand are quite high which is why many business hire cleaning services to come by and take care of their need for office cleaning in NYC. However, some such services only come and do certain cleaning jobs once a week or once a month. So how can you keep the office looking its best between these cleaning service visits? Here are some tips to help:

  • Make sure employees know where office recycling centers are and where they can take their office trash cans to dump as needed. This will help cut down of the clutter and trash in each individual office space.
  • Make sure there are several trash can and collection bins for recyclables within the work space- the lobby, break room, and near the bathroom and entrances to the building are good places for these.
  • Keep basic cleaning supplies on hand so employees can do some of the work themselves- let them wipe down the table and counters in the break room and take care of minor messes and such in their own office areas.
  • Consider imposing no food in the office work spaces policy and limit drinks allowed outside the break room to water or drinks in a resalable container.
  • Hire a part time cleaning crew of your own to handle the basic day to day need and let the professionals handle the large scale deep cleanings once a week or once a month as needed.

Keeping an office space neat and clean is a full staff job and everyone needs to take responsibility for cleaning his or her office area and to help keep the community areas as clean as possible. If you need help with office cleaning in NYC consider calling Tidy Up NYC and let them take care of the major dirty work for you!

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