How to Know If You Need a Water Heater Replacement in Loveland, CO

by | Mar 9, 2023 | plumbing

If you’re a homeowner or business owner living in Loveland, CO, you know just how important it is to have a reliable water heater. From taking hot showers and baths to doing the dishes, having access to hot water is essential for both comfort and convenience. But how do you know if it’s time for a new one? Let’s take a look at some of the signs that you may need a water heater replacement in Fort Collins, CO.

Age Matters

One of the most important factors when determining if you need a water heater replacement in Fort Collins CO, is the age of your current unit. The average lifespan of an electric water heater is between 10–15 years, while gas-powered tanks last 8–12 years. If your tank is older than these estimates, then it could be time for an upgrade.

Noise Is Not Normal

If your water heater suddenly begins making loud noises, such as rumbling or popping sounds, then this can be an indication that something isn’t quite right with your unit. These noises typically occur when sediment builds up inside the tank due to hard water and mineral deposits. If left unchecked, this buildup can cause serious damage to your unit and should be addressed immediately by a professional plumber.

Water Quality Counts

Another sign that you may need a water heater replacement in Fort Collins, CO, is if you notice changes in the quality of your tap water. This could include anything from discoloration or strange odors coming from the faucet to reduced flow rates or temperatures that are either too cold or too hot. If these issues persist after flushing out the tank and checking for other causes, then replacing your unit might be necessary in order to ensure continued access to clean and safe drinking water.

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