How to Make the Most Out of Your Bridal Boudoir Shoot

by | Jun 25, 2018 | Photography

Want to give your groom a sexy and sultry surprise? Boudoir shots may be the perfect thing to remind him you’ve got a wicked side. Here are a few things to help make the most out of your bridal boudoir photography session in Orange County.

Get pampered

Prepare for D-day by getting your waxing, facial and hair touch-ups done a week before your scheduled session. Want to get a manicure and pedicure done? Do it 24 hours before the session. All these can help you get in the right mood to pose in front of the camera.

Start out sober

Don’t go to your shoot with a buzz. You’ll want to stay sober so you’ll have a better experience during the shoot. If you’re drunk, you’re going to have a hard time focusing and that may lead to a lot of wasted shots—which is the last thing you want to happen.

Pick the right photographer

Not all bridal boudoir photography studios in Orange County make a good choice. That’s why you’ll want to pick the right one. A good photographer will know what to do so you won’t have to worry about a thing. Don’t know how to hit the right pose? No worries. Your photographer will take over, giving you specific instructions to follow. With pros to guide you through the steps, you’ll feel more confident and less uncertain about what you’re doing, the Philadelphia says.

Avoid fake tans

Don’t try to get a fake tan for your shoots. That could affect the outcome of the photos. Ask your photographer why it’s a bad idea.

Time it right

Make sure you know when it’s your monthlies. Count the days so you won’t end up scheduling a session when you look and feel bloated. Get those sessions right so count the days and check the calendar.

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