How To Prepare For Dental Implants In Glenview

by | Dec 26, 2016 | Dental

Dental implants are more popular now than ever before. Now more than ever they look, feel, and can be used like real teeth. There are many reasons to consider this type of dental surgery to help improve your smile, health and confidence being chief among them. However, just like with any other type of surgical procedure, it’s important to be properly prepared. Patients who are informed about having this sort of work completed tend to report higher satisfaction with the final results. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for dental implants in Glenview.

Follow Your Dentist’s Instructions Carefully

After your dentist has x-rayed your teeth and identified the areas where work will need to be completed, he or she will discuss the procedure with you in detail. Don’t hesitate to ask your dentist to write down his or her instructions, and be sure you follow them to the letter. You may be asked to take an antibiotic in the days leading up to the procedure, to reduce the likelihood of an infection from occurring. You may also be asked to use a special mouthwash or toothpaste.

Arrange For Transportation

If your procedure will involve sedation, it’s important for you to arrange for transportation to and from the clinic. After the procedure is completed, you may be too weak to return to normal activities. Even if you aren’t planning on being sedated, it’s still a good idea to arrange for transportation home ahead of time. You may be sore, tender, or too tired to properly focus on the road.

Be Clear On Post-Operative Instructions

Be prepared for the postoperative period as well. Ask your dentist to write down a list of care instructions for the days following your procedure, including medications prescribed, which over the counter medications can be taken, and any dietary restrictions.

For more information on dental implants in Glenview, contact the Dental Specialists of South Loop & North Shore . Like us on our facebook page.

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