How to Prevent Yourself From Getting Sick While You’re at Work

by | Sep 27, 2019 | Medical Equipment

If you work in any sort of public setting, you are generally at a higher risk of getting sick. This is because not everyone covers their mouths when they sneeze or washes their hands after using the restroom. However, there are some easy steps that you can take to remain as healthy as possible while on the job.

Know Your Rights

The Needlestick Safety Act and other workplace safety rules are designed to prevent direct contact with sharp or other harmful objects at work. Employers are also supposed to take steps to avoid direct contact with human waste or other materials that could make you sick. If your employer doesn’t comply with the terms of the Needlestick Safety Act or other regulations, you can file a complaint with OSHA.

Wash Your Hands Regularly

It is a good idea to wash your hands whenever you use the bathroom or come into contact with raw food. It is also a good idea to do so after touching another person or animal. Even if there is no obvious reason to wash your hands, it can be worth doing every 60 to 90 minutes just to be safe.

Wear a Protective Mask

If you are in close proximity to colleagues, patrons or patients who are sneezing or coughing, it may be a good idea to wear a mask. This can prevent viruses or bacteria from getting into your nose or mouth. Wearing an apron may help to keep your clothes free of blood, mucus or any other debris that could increase your risk of getting sick. Ideally, you will replace a mask, apron or other protective covering every few hours.

If you are looking for ways to stay safe at work, visit the Sharp Fluidics website at Doing so may help you learn effective ways to accomplish this goal.

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