How to Style Your BDI Corridor for a Modern and Sophisticated Look

by | Jan 25, 2024 | Furniture

Your BDI Corridor is more than a mere storage unit for your home, it’s an investment. With its sleek and sophisticated design, the Corridor adds a touch of elegance to any space it’s placed in. However, styling can be intimidating, especially if you’re not an interior designer.

This blog post is packed with tips and tricks to help you style your corridor effortlessly.

Choose the Right Wall Color

To make your BDI Corridor desk stand out, it’s essential to choose the right wall color. We suggest a neutral backdrop, such as gray or white, to complement the sleek design of the unit. If you’re going for a bold look, consider a statement wall in a dark color.

Add Plants

You can never go wrong with adding greenery to your BDI Corridor. Plants add life, color, and texture to your space. You can place a large plant on top of the unit or create a small plant arrangement on the shelves.

Accessorize with Artwork and Décor Pieces

Accessorizing is where you can get creative. Artwork and décor pieces help you personalize your space, and they add character to your Corridor desk. You can use vases, sculptures, picture frames, or any pieces that reflect your style.

Use Lighting

Lighting is key to creating a cozy and inviting ambiance. You can use table lamps on top of your high-quality BDI Corridor, or wall sconces on either side of the unit to create a warm glow.

Organize Your Items

Organization is critical when it comes to styling your desk. Arrange your items in a way that’s visually pleasing and promotes efficiency. You can group similar items together, use baskets to store loose items, or even color code your items.

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