If You Are Denied Your Disability Benefits; Appeal The Decision

by | Oct 4, 2016 | Attorney

People making their initial application for Social Security disability benefits often find that their application is denied. This is not a rare occurrence, statistically, about three out of four applications are denied. If you are one of those that have had their claim denied there really is no need to get terribly upset; there is an appeals process available and many applicants are approved at this stage. If you did not use the services of a disability lawyer in Maryville to help with your application, you most certainly should consider getting a lawyer to help with your appeals.

If you are successful your disability benefits are retroactive back to the date of your initial application, this is why appealing the decision is far better than attempting to reapply. Knowing that the chances of approval are slim, make sure you keep all information regarding your work history, medical history, etc., your lawyer will need all this supporting information.

There are three steps to the appeals process:

   * Reconsideration: The first step is to ask the Social Security Administration to reconsider their decision. You have 60 days from the date you were made aware that your application was denied to request this. Rarely does this result in approval.

   * Hearing: Within a further 60 days you can request a hearing in the presence of an Administrative Law Judge. It is here where you can actually make an appeal and if your disability lawyer in Maryville thinks it will help, introduce medical and vocational experts to support your claim. The chances of being approved after the hearing are quite good.

   * Appeals Council: If your application is still denied after the hearing you have a further 60 days to request a review by the Appeals Council. If this fails your last chance is to take your case to federal court.

You are free to hire a disability lawyer in Maryville at any stage. Your lawyer will take the case on contingency, the legal fee will be paid out of your back benefits but only if the lawyer is successful in winning your case.

If you are preparing to apply for disability benefits or your initial application has been denied you should hire a seasoned disability lawyer in Maryville. You are invited to contact the Law Offices of Miller & Drozdowski, P.C.

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