Implant Supported Dentures, What Are The Benefits?

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Dental

As the term suggests, implant supported dentures are dentures that are supported by held in place by dental implants. A traditional denture is designed to rest on the gums and is held in place by suction or dental adhesive.

Implant supported dentures in Chicago are ideal for those that have lost all the teeth in the jaw but there is still sufficient jaw bone to ensure the implants are, and remain, stable. The actual denture is fitted with special inserts that “snap” onto the dental implant.

Implant supported dentures are most often used for the lower jaw, conventional dentures are unstable whereas dentures for the upper jaw are usually very stable and require no additional anchoring.

The benefits of implant supported dentures:

New technology can be thanked for providing patients with more secure and dependable dentures. Dental implants keep the denture in place; you can go about eating, drinking and conversing without any fear that your denture will slip. There are a number of real benefits to implant supported dentures in Chicago.

Look natural: Dentures that are held in place by implants look and feel far better, the dental implant is secured to the jawbone, as a result dentures feel and function like natural teeth.

No slipping: A denture that is held in place by implants simply will not move, conventional dentures, on the other hand, will and do move. By eliminating movement you also eliminate the need for dental adhesive.

No tender spots: Even people who have worn their denture for some time will periodically experience sore spots. With implant supported dentures there is no movement; therefore there can be no aggravation of tender tissue in the mouth.

The ability to chew better: Conventional dentures will often rock when chewing on one side or the other. Dentures that are held in place with dental implants do not; you can chew as if you had all natural teeth.

Implant supported dentures in Chicago are a far better alternative than conventional dentures, especially in the lower jaw where denture movement is difficult to control.

If you are fed up with slipping dentures you should seriously consider implant supported dentures in Chicago. To discuss the benefits in more detail you are invited to make an appointment with Washington Dental Care.

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