Important Benefits of Sludge and Waste Dewatering Equipment

by | Sep 11, 2017 | Waste Management

Every day, millions of gallons of waste and sludge flow through Texas drain systems. Some of this waste is solid material, but most of it is contaminated water. Water is necessary to keep waste moving, but it can create major problems when processing and dealing with waste and sludge. However, many of these problems can be reduced or eliminated thanks to modern dewatering equipment. Here is information on how it works and how it can save many businesses, time and money.

Why Remove the Water?

Suppose your manufacturing or processing business has thousands of gallons of wastewater each day. This material has to be treated before it can be released into a sewer system. You could pay a service to come to your place of business and haul away waste everyday, but this can be expensive. However, once you safely remove the water from the waste, you have only a fraction of the original waste to dispose of. That is the reason that many companies are seeing the benefits of dewatering equipment. A dewatering container takes in waste, separates the water, and only solids are left. The water can safely enter your drain system or be recycled.

Cutting Waste Disposal Costs

When you have less waste to dispose of, your costs are significantly reduced. In fact, many companies can reduce waste transportation and storage costs by 75 percent or more.

Eco Friendly

When you dewater, it’s good for the environment. With the help of modern flocculating chemicals, waste is made safe and can easily be recycled and turned into compost. Also, fewer fossil fuels like diesel and gasoline are used for transporting waste.

Extra Income

When you have the right kind of dewatering equipment, you can process your own waste and waste for your customers too. This lets you turn an operating expense into a chance to earn more income.

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