Improve the Safety and Beauty of Property With Tree Removal in Gig Harbor, WA

by | Aug 24, 2023 | Business

Trees provide so much beauty to properties, shade from the heat and resistance to damaging winds, it’s often difficult to face the prospect of letting them go when it’s time. However, trees can present a hazard to people and property, as well as a source for infection of other nearby vegetation. Here are a few points to consider if you think a tree may need to be removed.

Signs A Tree Should Be Removed

You may see obvious signs of a problem with a tree, such as large limbs that are broken, dead branches in the crown, cracks in the trunk or instability that makes the tree lean in one direction. You may see signs of tree disease, such as misshapen leaves, discolored leaves, crumbling wood or signs of fungus growth. Some trees may be too close to structures and may present a hazard or may have large limbs that are in danger of cracking and falling on someone.

A Tree Specialist Can Determine If Your Tree Can Be Saved.

Tree specialists have the training and experience needed to determine whether a tree is a hazard to people or property and should be removed. They can also provide the removal with the greatest amount of safety and the least amount of damage to nearby vegetation.

Sometimes, the need for the removal of a tree is obvious, but at other times, the decision is not so clear. A tree specialist can help you determine if a questionable tree can be saved or should be removed. If you need tree removal in Gig Harbor, WA, contact Arborsmith Pro Tree Service Inc,, for a consultation and quote.

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