Is going to college worth it?

by | Feb 22, 2013 | Colleges and Universities

A recent article in a respected business daily proclaimed that “college grads are trading their cap and gown for a broom.” With jobs scarce, even with a four-year degree, recent graduates are finding it very difficult to get any job, let alone a job in their field. Making things worse is the wage, not enough to live on let alone repay the student loans. With statements like this, it makes you wonder if attending colleges in Idaho or any other state, for that matter, is worth it.

As a parent, you will no doubt be part of the decision-making process. Most parents are very much in favor of a college education; the differences may lie in the strategies they suggest for their children. If the child wants to pursue law, medicine or any profession that requires years of further education, then there is no option but to attend a good university. However, not every high school graduate wants to be a doctor or a lawyer; they simply want to get a decent job and begin with their own lives.

For students who want to attend colleges in Idaho and get a bachelor’s degree, here are a few things to think about:

* If you want a bachelor’s degree, consider starting at a community college where the tuition fees are much less, and it will not be necessary to incur debt. By taking this route it gives you two more years to consider exactly where you want to go and what you really want to do with your life.

* Choose a course of study that will allow you to be self-employed. Getting an Associate’s degree or learning a trade that you enjoy will provide you with the tools you need to go it alone. The economy is bad, and it may not ever recover to what it once was. Working for yourself may be the best road to take in the future.

* Follow your dreams and passions. If you have a skill, even though it may simply be a hobby, you may be surprised how you can turn it into a career. If, for example, you are a great photographer, and you have the eye for it, then consider hiring yourself out as a wedding photographer. There are many educational opportunities where you can get further training in a skill you have and love.

* Learn the ins and outs of the Internet and market your skill or small business on-line.

As a concerned parent, the bottom line is that your child’s life is his own and the choices that need to be made can best be made by the child. You want the best for your child; take the time to get them to think of the alternatives that are available.

Colleges in Idaho provide a perfect environment for learning and exploring ones full potential. Northwest Nazarene University offers concurrent credit programs for high school students, continuing education courses, undergraduate and graduate degrees in over 60 areas of study.

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