Is Home Heating Oil in Norwich, CT Really a Better Value?

by | Feb 20, 2019 | Petroleum Products

When the cold winds blow in the Northeast, you know that you need to be prepared for what blows in with the chill air. You also need to make sure that your furnace is fueled and ready to heat your home. Otherwise, you can place your family in an unsafe position. When temperatures drop below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, losing heat can present a family with an unsafe, if not dire, condition.

The Best Way to Keep Your Home Warm and Cozy

Regularly scheduling the delivery of home heating oil in Norwich, CT provides the best solution to keeping a home safe and warm in the winter. You also need to have your oil furnace checked and any needed repairs made before the onset of cold weather. By preparing in this way, you will prevent your family from suffering from any undue and unexpected hardship.

Did you know that home heating oil provides 35% more BTUs, or energy, than natural gas? Therefore, the price you pay is lower as the oil supplies you with a warmer home for less money. A BTU, British thermal unit, measures energy.

What a BTU Represents

One BTU represents the amount of energy needed to elevate the temperature of 16 ounces of water one degree Fahrenheit when measured at sea level. More specifically, a BTU shows the amount of energy used when water is almost frozen and at its highest density, or about 39 degrees Fahrenheit.

How to Understand BTU Measurements

When it comes to measuring home heating oil, you might liken a BTU to a calorie. Metrically, calories represent a measurement of energy needed to raise the temperature of a gram of water by one degree on the Celsius scale. Calories help you determine how much energy you are consuming and burning while BTUs assist you in determining how much fuel or energy your furnace processes to heat or cool a space.

Who to Contact About Your Heating Oil Needs Online

If you would like to know more about the advantages associated with using heating oil to warm your home, visit the website today. Learn more about the pricing and schedule regular deliveries.

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