Is It Time To Replace Your Air Conditioner In Franklin, TN?

by | Sep 17, 2014 | Top Content Center Articles

Well, the air conditioner made it through another hot, sticky summer, but it didn’t cool nearly as well as it used to. It’s time to sit back and evaluate the situation. Should the air conditioner be repaired or replaced?
There’s a lot to be considered. Before a final decision is reached, many people find it helpful to discuss the matter with a professional in the field. Price is a major consideration, of course, but price involves more than just looking at the sticker price on the new unit.

The first thing to consider is the price of a new unit vs. the expected repair costs of the current unit. While the repair costs are usually lower than the cost of the new unit, the higher the repair cost, the more financially sound the replacement would be.

This is closely linked to the age of the unit. Repairing a 2 year old unit would normally be the best choice. An air conditioner that is more than 8 years old is nearing the end of its expected useful life, so replacement usually makes more sense. In between 2 years and 8 years, it’s a judgment call. One of the factors to consider is how often the unit has been repaired in the past. If a unit has been repaired numerous times, especially for the same or similar problems, that makes it less worth keeping. An Air Conditioner in Franklin TN that has been fairly dependable is probably worth fixing, unless it’s a very expensive repair.

Energy costs also play into the decision. A new, more energy-efficient unit will cost less to run than an older unit. Do the math. If the new unit will cost $500 more, for example, than the projected repair, but should save $20 a month on the utility bill, the savings will cancel out the $500 in a little over 2 years. $500 divided by $20 = 25 months to make up the difference.

Chiles Heating & Cooling is a family-owned and family-run company that has been servicing their Tennessee customers for many years. If you are trying to decide whether you should repair or replace your Air Conditioner in Franklin TN, talk to them. Click Here to schedule an appointment.

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