Is Your Grasscloth Wallpaper High Quality? Learn More About Specialty Wallcoverings.

by | Mar 31, 2015 | Home and Gardens

Does your living space capture a sense of liveliness, or does it leave you dreary and dissatisfied? If you answered the latter, then perhaps you should consider grasscloth wallpaper and other specialty products. This is not your quintessential, dated wallpaper that screams 1980s gaudiness. Specialty wallpapers are specialized for decorative and stylistic use in homes and venues alike. In addition to exuding aesthetic beauty, these wallpapers serve a functional role in every environment. Furthermore, they are reserved for both commercial and domestic use. To maximize your investment, read more about purchasing high-quality materials.

Characteristics of High-Quality Wall Paper

High-quality wallpapers adhere to a number of standards, as designated by the federal government. Most high-quality wall coverings retain their color and vibrancy over time. They can even be cleaned routinely with a gentle wash or detergent. Generally speaking, quality wallpaper is coarse enough to undergo a gentle scrub for optimal cleanliness. It is this very coarseness that makes wallpaper less susceptible to abrasion.

Even grasscloth wallpaper and other specialty wallcoverings adhere to these standards. Additional quality standards, as determined by the government, include the ability to withstand pulling, color transfer, stains, and tears as well.

Accordingly, there is a host of other factors that characterize a high-quality wallpaper. For example, these characteristics include stain resistant and the capacity to prevent the coating from cracking.

High-quality wall coverings, such as grasscloth wallpaper, can also resist damage caused by high temperature, flame spread, shrinking, as well as mildew growth on the surface of the wallpaper.

Maintaining the Quality of Your Wallpaper

The manner in which you care for your wallpaper ultimately determines its quality and functionality. For example, the type of adhesive that you select determines the functionality and performance of your wall covering. There are many types of adhesive available and each confers its own benefits. For example, some offer higher microbial resistance than others.

It is important to identify and address water damage and condensation as soon as it arises. Grasscloth wallpaper and other types of wallpaper are susceptible to mildew and mold growth in some cases. It is always important to determine where the moisture originates in order to eliminate it promptly. It is also best to select wallpapers with high levels of permeability, in the event that one cannot eliminate all moisture accumulating within a wall.

Vapor can increase mildew and mold growth, especially in humid climates. Furthermore, multi-layered wall coverings are more susceptible to microbial growth. Hence, it is best to avoid this. Finally, vapor permeable wall coverings may reduce incidences of mold and mildew growth in most cases.

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