It Is Important to Know Your Legal Rights If You Have Bought a Lemon

by | Jan 31, 2020 | Legal

Just as eating a lemon can leave a bitter taste in your mouth, so can buying a car or truck that gives you nothing but trouble from the time you first drive it off the lot. It was not supposed to be this way. Buying a vehicle is supposed to be a happy occasion. In fact, most people rank it right up there with buying a home as the most important purchasing decision one can ever make. You did your research. You thought that you bought the right vehicle for your family only to discover that it is riddled with problems. This is when you need to know about the Louisiana Lemon Law and how it relates to you.

You Have Rights

When you buy a vehicle, you do have certain rights that are afforded to you under the law. One of those involves the reasonable expectation that it is going to perform as advertised for a certain period of time. If the dealership has not disclosed any problems with the vehicle, then you should not have to endure making the exact same repairs over and over again. If that is happening to you, then you bought a lemon and you need to contact a lawyer to help you under the Louisiana Lemon Law.

As soon as you become aware that you have a lemon, contact Krohn & Moss Ltd. Consumer Law Center to find out how they can help. They will work you with you to get a swift resolution. You can read more about them on their website.

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