Keep Your Fire Safety Equipment In Working Order With Help From Iowa Fire Control in Waterloo IA

by | Apr 28, 2017 | Fire and Security

Every business is required by law to keep certain fire safety equipment on hand and in good working order. In addition to standard equipment, places of business are required to have safety exits and other escapes available to customers and employees. Part of federal building codes requires that these escapes are installed when the building is constructed. Once the building is done and it’s time to open the doors to the public, it’s important that all the right equipment is installed. With help from service providers such as Iowa Fire Control in Waterloo IA, business owners can be sure that everything needed to comply with federal fire safety standards is available. More importantly, inspections can be scheduled to help make sure that equipment is ready to use in case of an accident.

To be sure they are in compliance with federal fire safety standards, business owners will need to be sure they have extinguishers placed within a certain distance of combustible equipment and other fire hazards. Certain equipment will need sprinkler systems installed over it. Kitchens will need sprinkler all throughout their production areas. Most importantly, those sprinkler systems will need to be inspected and certified as being in good working order. Without proper certification, business owners might face fines and be forced to close their business location until certification is instated. Fire extinguishers will also need to be inspected to assure performance during an emergency situation. Service providers such as Iowa Fire Control in Waterloo IA can help business owners meet safety standards and avoid fines or interruptions to their operations.

Business owners that have any questions about fire safety standards should visit website for information. By scheduling a consultation, business owners can make sure they are meeting minimum safety standards. Service providers can walk through the site and offer insight on how to meet those standards if any equipment is missing or appears to be poorly maintained. Most importantly, certifications for any equipment in the store can be provided as needed. It’s best to act sooner rather than later when it comes to fire safety. Business owners should contact their local service provider as soon as possible.

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