Keep Your New Dental Implants in Tip-Top Shape in Vernon Hills

by | Oct 31, 2019 | Dentist

If you’ve recently gotten new dental implants in Vernon Hills, you’re likely impressed with the results, and in more ways than one. Along with looking great, implants also make it easier to chew, speak clearly, and do many other daily activities. As you enjoy your new implants, it makes sense to take proper care of them. Here are three tips that will help.

Change to a Soft-Bristle Brush

With your new implants in place, it’s time to change the type of toothbrush that you use. Switch to one that has soft rather than medium or hard bristles. This will help reduce the potential for scratching the crown surfaces. With proper care, your implants and crowns could last the rest of your life.

Find a Low-Abrasive Toothpaste

Just as you need to rethink the type of toothbrush that you use, it’s also time to go in a different direction with your toothpaste. Find one that has little to no abrasive materials included. This will also reduce the risk of damaging the crowns and ensure your dental implants from Vernon Hills continue to look their best. You’ll find several on the market that leave a fresh taste and remove plaque and other residue with ease.

Look Into Using Implant-Specific Floss

Flossing around implants is sometimes discouraged. That’s because the protective barrier found at the gum line around real teeth is no longer present. If you do want to floss, find what’s known as implant-specific floss. It’s designed to avoid scratching the gum tissue. Your dentist can show you how to use the floss and ensure your dental implants from Vernon Hills get the attention they need.

If you would like more tips for taking care of your dental implants, the team at Smile More Today is happy to help when you call us or visit our website.

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