Kinds of Ants Treated With Ant Control Saugus MA

by | Feb 26, 2019 | Pest Control

Just one of the types of bugs that a pest control service can take care of is ants, but did you know there are quite a few types of ants that can be in your home? A pest control service that performs Ant control Saugus MA may treat your home for a variety of household ants.

Argentine ants lay eggs during the summer. They can take up residence anyplace, with thousands of ants in the colony, and prefer to nest near homes and underneath homes, and along sidewalks and driveways.

Carpenter ant eggs hatch within two months. Most of them are black, although they can be red or yellow, but they are difficult to spot because they prefer to establish nests within wooden structures, hence the name. They can also live as long as seven years.

Fire ants are so named because they can sting and even kill small animals. They can grow to a quarter of an inch long and live in colonies that can number several hundred thousand. Worker ants live about six months and queens live as long as six years.

Odorous house ants get their name because of their foul smell. They measure 1/10 of an inch, with bodies that are made of 10 different segments. They are black, red, or brown in color. They like to live within a home’s walls or under the floors, and they seek out sweet-tasting foods.

Pavement ants live in pavement cracks, like sidewalks and driveways, but they can also live within the walls and floors of a house. They are brown or black in color and are about 1/10 of an inch in length.

Pharaoh ants become adults within 45 days of hatching. They are about 1/16 of an inch long and are colored black, red, or yellow. They seek out warm environments, so they can take up residence in a kitchen. Like odorous house ants, they have a taste for sweet foods. Worker ants live about 10 weeks, and females live as long as 39 weeks.

Thief ants are up to 1/16 of an inch long and are yellow or brown in color. Eggs hatch in around 28 days. They can live basically anywhere within the house or outside. A pest control service can help you identify which ants you may have and treat your home with chemicals for Ant control Saugus MA. Browse the site for more details.

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