Know Where Your Customers Are with NCOALink Certified Address Standardization Software

by | Feb 5, 2016 | Software

Not utilizing address standardization software can be a nightmare for any business or organization that relies on accurate, up-to-date customer address information. After all, millions of people move each year—and without address standardization software, it’s extremely challenging to keep up with all those address changes. Having this specialized software enables businesses to maintain the most accurate database possible, so they don’t lose customers, and, more importantly, money. Here is how address standardization software works and how it will benefit your company:

The Rundown

There are many companies online that specialize in address standardization software. Such software works by going through your company’s customer or partner mailing addresses and verifying that they are entered correctly, with the correct personal information attached. Any company with an abundance of addresses on file are advised to use this software, as it greatly cuts down on inconsistencies—for example, with how the address is entered into the database, or with addresses that don’t pertain to the right person.

More often than not, human error is to blame when this information is not entered in correctly or not changed when a customer has moved. Not having this information protected and updated by address standardization software can cost a large company a significant amount of money. This can be seen not only in mailing costs but also in loss of inventory and employee time. Of course, while sending the wrong item or marketing info to the wrong address once or twice is fine, if this happens multiple times over the course of a year, the costs begin to add up. This can all be eliminated or significantly reduced through the use of address standardization software.

Where Can I Get It?

NCOALink Certified Address Standardization Software is the industry standard for any company looking to get this crucial software. Basically, what this means is the company using this type of software is certified with the National Change of Address program, which stores change of address data from the United States Postal Service. Therefore, having NCOALink Certified Address Standardization Software will allow your company to have access to that information in order to keep customer addresses up to date and accurate. There are many great companies offering this software online for affordable prices. Last but not least, this software will not only help your company maintain accurate customer address data, but it will also do so in complete compliance with all the regulations and stipulations associated with the United States Postal Service.

Immediate Impact

If your business is not utilizing NCOALink Certified Address Standardization Software, then you are undoubtedly losing money and valuable employee time. Most companies will notice an immediate impact when they begin using this software. It will significantly cut back on the amount of undeliverable mail sent out, and help you keep customers informed of your business and products even after they move.

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