Learn Why Cars Need Oil Changes

by | Aug 6, 2019 | Automotive

Hopefully, you’ve realized that you car needs regular oil changes. Although you probably already do this on a regular schedule, you may not know why. Oil changes are critical to keeping your car functioning properly. If you forget to adhere to an oil change schedule, your vehicle will not last for long. Find out the reasons why changing oil is a very important part of the maintenance plan for every vehicle.

  1. It’s About the Engine

Car oil is a necessary component of a vehicle engine. It lubricates the parts of an engine as they rub against each other. Without oil in place, these parts would suffer an extreme amount of wear and tear. This situation could even cause an engine fire. Oil prevents engines from overheating so that your car can function properly.

  1. What Happens During an Oil Change?

The oil change process is actually fairly simple. First, a technician needs to drain the old oil from the chamber. Used oil has the appearance of sludge. This thick, dark-colored oil state can cause problems for your engine. Over time, the grime in used oil can cause metal to decay, and can get stuck in between moving parts. This is why you cannot use the same oil over and over again. After the oil is removed, fresh oil is added to the oil tank. A technician will also change the oil filter, which helps to keep the oil clean when it is in operation. All oil changes Davenport IA generally go through this process.

  1. When to Get Oil Changes

Most vehicles have standard oil change schedules. In general, you can assume that your oil should be changed every 5,000 miles or so. However, it is much better to get it done a lot sooner. Try to get oil changes every 3,000 miles to make sure that your vehicle remains in top condition. Check out oil changes Davenport IA for help.

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