Learning the Details About PRP Hair Restoration Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Health

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is useful for restoring hair that has been lost due to a common condition known as androgenic alopecia. It most frequently affects men, but some women develop this condition too. PRP hair treatment in Los Angeles, CA is available from qualified practitioners.

About Androgenic Alopecia

This is the most common reason for permanent hair loss. The disorder is genetic and is caused by follicle sensitivity to the male hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Those hormones cause the follicles to shrink, blocking new hair growth.

A COVID Connection?

Some individuals have questioned whether a COVID-19 infection could cause androgenic alopecia. Research indicates this is not the case.

However, excess stress is known to cause temporary hair loss and to trigger or worsen androgenic alopecia. The stress hormone cortisol raises testosterone levels, and stress also may increase follicle sensitivity to male hormones. The various stresses associated with the pandemic could have made some individuals more vulnerable to androgenic alopecia.

About PRP Treatment

PRP hair treatment in Los Angeles, CA has three steps.

First, a practitioner draws blood from the patient. Second, this blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the four components: platelets, plasma, red cells and white cells. The platelets and plasma rise to the top.

Platelets are useful for hair restoration because they contain growth factors that stimulate tissue regrowth.

Third, the platelets and plasma are injected into about 20 or 30 places on the scalp. At least a few sessions are required over three to four months, and maintenance treatments also are necessary two or three times a year.

Contact details for scheduling a consultation are provided at website.

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