Leave No Soldier Behind: Why Your Benefits Should Not Be Contested

by | Sep 25, 2020 | Law

As a soldier serving your country, you expect three things. One, you will at some point be sent somewhere to defend your country. Two, there is a high probability that you will be injured physically, mentally or both. Three, your country should back you and support you when you need it to. No soldier should be left behind in battle or at home, especially when it comes to veterans’ benefits you have earned. Here’s why your benefits should not be contested and how VA disability appeal lawyers view your case.

You’ve Earned Them, Period

Being a veteran means you have done your duty to the country. You’ve served and your service is done. When you are done serving, you are entitled to benefits as one who successfully completed his or her military service. You earned them, and no one should be telling you that you can’t have the benefits you were promised when you first joined a branch of the military.

There Are Only So Many Legitimate Restrictions for Veterans’ Benefits

The military does have reasons for denying benefits, but it’s unlikely that you were dishonorably discharged or that you were convicted of treason! Years of service produces accumulated negative effects on the mind and body and regardless of when, where or how you were injured, you should get your benefits. If you have been denied benefits for any reason that doesn’t seem legitimate, contact Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices VA disability appeal lawyers today to discuss your case and see how you can get the benefits you have rightfully earned.

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