Making The Choice Of Polyester Powder Coating

by | Apr 18, 2019 | Plating and Metal Finishing

Most people have heard of powder coating, but they may not realize there are several options in the type of powders used in the process. One of the most economical and longest-lasting options in the industry is polyester powder coating.

This type of powder coating can be used on most types of alloys and metals, and it is particularly popular for use with aluminum parts and components. These aluminum parts can range from architectural aluminum used in homes and commercial buildings to parts used in the aerospace industry.

As the name implies, polyester powder coating contains a polyester, in this case, a carboxyl polyester. This includes a TGIC or tri glycidyl isocyanurate or a powder type that does not contain TGIC, with both offering the same quality, durability, and advantages.

Uniform Color and Superior Finish

As with all powder coatings, the powder is applied dry, so it is evenly dispersed along the surface of the part, even with complex shapes. The benefit to polyester powder coating over other types of powder coatings is that it can be cured at a low temperature, which means less heat needs to be applied to cause the dry powder to melt and form the bonded coating with the surface.

There are no deviations in the thickness of the coating, and there are never any issues with irregularities and inconsistencies in the surface as seen with wet painting methods.

Resistance Benefits

The choice of powder coating using polyester is not only a low-cost option, but it also adds to surface resistance for the part. This includes resistance to moisture, chemicals, and even UV light, which makes it a good coating option to consider for equipment, furniture or devices that are used outdoors.

The surface, once cured, is also resistant to impact and scratching, which means parts retain their smooth, unblemished look for years to come, even under challenging conditions.

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