Making Use of the Available Methods for Drying Out Your Oakville Basement

by | Oct 2, 2019 | Water Proofing

The frequent wet weather can be the worst enemy of your basement. The moisture can seep through the basement walls. Heavy rains and melting snow can sink past your storm well windows and get into this part of the house.

When you are tired of dealing with wet basements on a regular basis, you can use any of the available methods for drying out a leaking basement in Oakville. These methods are relatively simple to execute and do not make much of a dent in your home improvement budget.

Waterproofing Your Basement

One of the best ways of protecting a constantly leaking basement in Oakville is to apply a waterproof coat to the foundation and walls. The waterproofing is much like a paint or gloss that you can apply over the walls inside of the basement as well as the outside of the foundation. It provides a barrier against water and prevents moisture from pooling and getting inside of this part of your house.

A single application of waterproofing can last for several years. It also helps you save money on having to use a sump pump or shop vac to get water out of the basement.

Caulking the Walls

Water also finds its way inside of the basement by coming into through the cracks and holes in the walls. When you want to keep your basement as dry as possible, you need to caulk up these openings so water cannot get inside.

If you are not the most adept person at caulking the walls in your basement, you can hire a professional contractor for this task. The contractor can also apply waterproofing to the walls to further protect your basement.

You can find out more about preventing leaky basements online. Contact GJ MacRae Foundation Repair at visit us website for details.

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