Misconceptions About Home Security

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Security

Just like with everything, there seem to be more misconceptions surrounding home security than there are known facts. If you think you already know everything you need to know about home security, you most assuredly don’t. Here are common misconceptions about home alarm systems in Chicago.

Misconception #1: Burglars don’t enter when no one is home.
Most burglars do enter when no one is home, but most are not all. Three out of ten burglaries occur when someone is in the home, and that is a significant portion.

Misconception #2: I don’t have anything of value.
They don’t know that. A burglar who has already broken into your house will take something, regardless of perceived value. No one will walk in and decide nothing is worth taking, so, despite having nothing Danny Ocean would plan a heist for, if you get burgled, you will also be stolen from.

Misconception #3: Home alarm systems cost too much
Home alarm systems can actually save you money, even if they don’t prevent a burglary. Home insurance premiums can go down, customizable control over your house can cut energy costs, and averting a fire or a burst pipe can save even more money than preventing a crime.

Misconception #4: Home alarm systems don’t do much.
Granted, an alarm system won’t put up a force field around a house, but that doesn’t mean it won’t protect it. Most burglars aren’t super-determined, villainous thieves, bent on breaking in at all costs like the Home Alone guys. Most burglars are just people, fallen on hard times, and desperate. Think of how you would react if you were jimmying a lock and an alarm went off, alerting everyone in the neighborhood and potentially calling the police. Would you stride in confidently or try to beat the clock, or would you book it? Chances are, they will too.

Misconception #5: My pets will set off the alarm, plus, they’re basically walking security systems already.
Just as before, there is a custom system for everything. If you have pets, then you can get sensors designed to not register a certain weight threshold, or you can invest in monitored cameras instead of alarm sensors. Also, studies have shown that, as long as the newcomer is friendly, many dogs cannot differentiate friend from foe. Visit Alert Protective Services. LLC for more information.

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