Mistakes to Avoid When Making Annual Financial Reports

by | Sep 26, 2016 | Financial Services

Financial reports are necessary for every institution. They are essential to the success of businesses, but keeping them up to date, accurate and relevant to the management can be a difficult task. The Standard Charts of Accounts must always be well updated and maintained for the management to understand what they are doing right and the area that needs extra focus. Sound financial reporting solutions such as financial reporting soft wares can help streamline and ease the burden under review for many companies, but they cannot do all the work. Here are some of the typical annual accounting mistakes to avoid.

Not Providing Supporting Documents

The annual report reporting standards require you to provide some supporting documents that back up the information presented on the standard charts of accounts. If these documents are not provided, there could be serious problems when verifying the figures, or during an audit. The management would not be able to know the accuracy of the numbers.

Leaving Things Out

Omissions are the most common errors in most financial reports. Even when they are not intended, these mistakes can get the person responsible for a lot of problems. When a report is found to have these type or errors, they are flagged for review or audit. To avoid these errors, the management should ensure that there is a complete financial picture of the business. Everything should be documented, from the expenses, inventory to the tax information. If all the information is available and recorded on a daily or weekly basis, these errors can be avoided.

Neglecting the Day-to-Day Bookkeeping

In financial reporting, one good piece of advice an institution can be offered is to make sure that their bookkeeping is kept on the right track. It might seem convenient to do the bookkeeping once a week or at the end of the month, but this can bring problems in the Standard Charts Accounting. If the whole process is done daily, it will be easier and more accurate, and the management can make informed decisions. Neglecting it can lead to bigger problems in the annual report.

Not using the Right Financial Reporting Software Program

It is imperative to choose the right financial reporting software, as it ensures the accuracy of the annual reports. The key to getting the best financial reporting software is to choose the one that is user-friendly. The software should allow you and your team to create and view the reports you need easily.  These soft wares are available in the market, and purchasing one is no longer difficult.

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