Myths About Mosquito Control In Newnan, GA

by | May 18, 2021 | Lawn Care

Unfortunately, when people in Newnan turn to social media, blogs and other websites for information on mosquitoes and mosquito control, misinformation is often given. This is because the person writing the post, blog or article does not have any experience in actual pest control and is simply passing on incorrect information obtained or heard from another source.

Ideally, the best option for Mosquito Control in Newnan, GA is to turn to a professional pest control service. The technician that comes to your home will complete an evaluation of the mosquito population, check for problem areas in the environment that can be modified, and then choose the right insecticide to provide safe, effective control.

Getting out some of the myths about mosquitoes and options for control will also help you to see the importance of bringing in a professional. Consider the following common “truths” you see online and on social media and why they simply are not effective pest control methods.

Myth: Plants Keep mosquitoes at Bay

There are several different plants that are marketed to keep down mosquito populations. These include the Citrosa plants, which is where citronella oil comes from. The oil itself is effective in warding off mosquitoes, but the plants are not.

Even if the plant did have some effective repellent properties, it would require the entire yard to be covered in these plants to have any effect. Burning citronella oil in torches or in candles is a good option but only if you are very close to the source and very close to the smoke produced.

Myth: Bug Zappers Work for Mosquitoes

Any type of electronic bug zapper is not effective against mosquitoes. While it will zap larger types of bugs that are attracted to the light, mosquitoes are attracted to the presence of carbon dioxide, produced when breathing, as well as other chemicals produced by the body.

The vast majority of the bugs killed by bug zappers are actually good for the environment. They include fireflies, lacewings and ladybugs, all which actually benefit your plants.

Myth: Ponds Cause the Problem

Large ponds are not the source of the problem for mosquito control. Instead, it is small amounts of water in the bottom of old planters, in the bottom of the recycling bin or even in the composter that can be the biggest problem.

Look at the areas in your yard or on the patio where water collects and stays. Draining these will help in overall control by removing the areas where the mosquitoes will lay eggs and hatch thousands of new mosquitoes over the summer. Contact Nature’s Turf & stop worrying about the pesky mosquitoes ruining your time outside.

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