Optimizing Your Search Engine Ranking Is Invaluable

by | May 20, 2016 | Internet Marketing

An absolute basic for any business is that it is trying to either get more repeat business from existing customers, or to attract new consumers who will become customers. There are only two ways to make more profit: one is to decrease costs, and the other is to increase sales. Most businesses are extremely cost-conscious and constantly look for ways to save money, so it’s usually the latter means of attracting more clients that is necessary. The trick then is to find these potential customers and to get them interested in what you’re selling. This is where digital marketing and the use of the Internet is vital.

What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

Almost every business, aware of the importance of the Internet, will have a website in place. Some will know how to track their success by looking at the number of visitors and will be able to see how many pages on the site were clicked through. It’s at this point that disappointment sets in for most companies when they realize that consumers simply aren’t finding their site. This is because the search engines that the public is using are not ranking these companies in the top 5, or even on the first page of search results. If this is true for your Houston business, it’s time to consult with professionals who will help you to master search engine optimization techniques and apply these.

Embarking on successful SEO

The first step would be to put yourself in the shoes of your consumer and understand what keywords they would be using when they search for a business that generates products such as yours. Once you know all the various key phrases that would be used, you need to ensure that these are present in the content of your website. However, it’s not that simple. If you put these words in too often, you could be considered to be ‘keyword stuffing’. Search engine companies pick up on this, and will often penalize you as a result.

Everything that you use on your site, from captions of pictures to the headings to your articles, to the meta-tags that you use, should be related to how a search engine will find you. This is best understood by a company that specializes in this area, and they can assist you greatly with your copy. There are rules that can be learnt, such as the fact the a search engine usually picks up only the first 60 character of an article, so you’ll need to learn and be disciplined to master this new area of marketing. Visit MARION Integrated Marketing for more details.

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