Phobic About Dentists? How Sedation Dentistry Helps You Cope

by | Feb 6, 2016 | Dentist

Most people suffer from a deep-seated fear of dentists, says WebMD. And this fear is real. Their whole body tenses up, just thinking about stepping into a dentist’s office. Their fear and anxiety becomes so bad that they remain tense and stressed throughout the entire dental procedure. If you’re one of them, then it might be time for you to finally learn about sedation dentistry.

Phobic about Dentists

When something terrifies you, you’ll always find a way to avoid it. So even at the cost of your teeth breaking down or your dental health suffering, you’ll still find reasons to skip the dentist. You’ll tell yourself a ton of excuses—none of which are real. Because there’s really no reason to fear the dentist. And given the leaps in technology, the better services and facilities, dental procedures are safe, now more than ever.

But understanding that does little to eliminate the anxiety or fear. And while both might be irrational, it certainly makes treatment a tad difficult to administer.

Sedation Chases Away Stress

That is, until sedation dentists came onto the scene. By using medication to help lower anxiety and stress levels in patients, dentists could finally administer dental treatments or carry out dental procedures, with the patient relaxed and fully cooperative. That makes a tremendous difference in the treatment. Imagine if you had to do a root canal procedure. When the patient is relaxed, the muscles in the gums are relaxed too. So there’s less bleeding as a result. However, the more stressed and tensed a patient is, the stronger the blood flow and that could contribute to profuse bleeding after a dental surgery.

With sedation, though, patients are able to fully relax and forget all about their worries and fears.

Advantages of Sedation
* Zero pain. Afraid of the pain? You won’t have to worry about this when you’re sedated. You won’t feel a thing during the treatment.
* Less Appointments. Because you’re sedated, the dentist can work on your teeth longer, which means less visits to the dentist.
* Cost-effective. While you do pay for the sedation services, you end up with less number of visits to the clinic in exchange. That’s a good tradeoff. The less visits, the less costs you incur.

So the next time you freeze up in the dentist’s chair ask about their sedation services. To get more information about sedation dentistry, you can contact professionals like Cascades Center for Dental Health.

Cascades Center for Dental Health offers sedation dentistry services guaranteed to answer your need for painless dental procedures. Interested? Call us now! You can also connect with them on Facebook for more updates.

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