Plan Your Next Formal Event With A Tux Rental In Hartford, CT

by | Sep 23, 2013 | Business

Life is made up of formal events. This is what makes our daily lives worthwhile. It may be one’s wedding or the wedding of a close family member or pal. It may be that iconic trip to the prom with a dream date for the evening. Or for the younger set, it may be a Bar Mitzvah, First Communion or Confirmation in front of the entire congregation. Whatever your next formal event, plan a trip to Formals by Antonio to rent, buy or wear the right tuxedo for your main occasion.

When planning a formal event, a tux rental in Hartford, CT is the best way to get started. It’s said that the suit makes the man, and here’s where a professional can steer you in the right direction. You want to go to a tuxedo and formal store where a large of variety of styles and sizes are available. A well trained sales consultant can give you an idea what is in style now and what is considered a classic look for the ages. No one wants to be remembered as that guy in the yellow tux from that prom or island themed wedding of the ’70’s or ’80’s.

You also want to do business with a tuxedo and formal business that can accommodate groups. This way you can all be outfitted at once with the right suit that works particularly well with everyone’s individual height and weight. Each of you can have alternations as needed and have a central location for tuxedo pick up on that special day or evening.

No guy wants their new bride or date to be repelled by a lack of knowledge of current fashion. A good formal shop knows what the fashionable man is wearing now, and can provide photographs to create a look. Accessories, ties and belts are just some of the other items that can be found to finish the outfit.

The more planning you do in advance, the smoother your hectic day will be. Taking the word of a professional in the field is your best hedge against picking out a suit that just doesn’t suit you at all. Click here for more information!


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